An award on a late late summers day

Look what miss valentine sent me, an award, this is wonderful! She is a stunning, sensitive, honest, hardworking girl with freckles who loves m&m’s and I would love you to drop by and say hullo. And thank you for this Miss V.

Evidently and most excitingly I am to nominate 15 more bloggers and so I shall compile a list for you. How lovely. I love lists.  Awards such as these tell us that the blog world is a generous world. And really it is my pleasure to be out here with you all.

Also I am to tell you 7 things about myself that you do not already know.

1.  I like to have a glass of wine when I cook because if I have a glass of wine while I cook, I cook better. They say you should never mix cooking with drinking, but I am sure just a wee sip (giggle) is OK.

2 I wear my socks inside out because I do not like that little seamy bit touching my toes.

3. Years ago when my children  were school age, senior son was having trouble with a poetry assignment at school, the night before it was due, we pulled a random novel from my collection and I just read random sentences to him and he randomly wrote them down and randomly rearranged them and received a random A. I still remember the  line from one of the poems.  It was ‘the flip side of a lions eye’. Cool.

4. My favourite and constant companion on my travels, my cabin bag is called The Tardis. And no it does not look like a telephone booth.

5. At all times in my head there is a soundtrack playing and sometimes it escapes and I sing along! Horrors. Though sometimes the soundtrack is a song I HATE then I have to consciously change tracks!  Which takes a good deal of concentration and loud humming whilst holding your hands over your ears.

6. When I was taking those shots of the bees the other day the scent of sugar was on my hands. So bees were gathering on my camera, my fingers, hands and up my arms as I was shooting and I did not scream and run away! Though I walked very smartly in the other direction.

7. I hate housework and I hate shopping. This is why I garden!!

And soon I need to go out and do some work in the gardens. This is a shot of my asparagus field. There are about 500 plants down there. More going in next year. When the fronds are yellowed I will cut it all back and heap all the beds up with compost. This is the first crop of the spring. Asparagus is a superfood.

Miss Guinea 2011 says thank you for her award. She is very happy about it. Um. On the inside I guess, she is not one for showing her emotions.

And so in the interests of social networking  and the fun of playing the game I  shall begin the impossible task of compiling the list of bloggers to pass this award on to.

This is the best bit and the worst bit because I am sure my list will get too long.

I adore many more sites as well. So this is only a selection of the sites I think you would enjoy visiting and who deserve an award. They are an eclectic bunch!

PS (added the day after) I just read about another person getting this award and the rule was to pass on the award to 5 more people so maybe if you like you can choose which rules to comply with.. i was given the number 15 which was tons of fun!) c


64 responses to “An award on a late late summers day”

  1. Congratulations on the award C! Well deserved. It was fun learning more about you and I too have a mandatory glass of wine or G&T helping me through dinner preparations and cooking.
    Housework, what’s that again – thankfully I have a wonderful lady who comes 3 days a week – I would not be a happy person without her in our life!
    Have a super weekend.
    🙂 Mandy

  2. Take a day off from the computer, and look what happens! A friend gets an award, then passes the honor along!
    A thousand thanks, Dear C, for including me on this list, though it’s going to take a few days to come up with 15 bloggers I read who haven’t already played this game…
    Now, as to the first item on your list – are there really people who cook WITHOUT a glass of wine in-hand? I had no idea!
    Do you take some of that lovely asparagus to market, or horde it all for yourself? 😀

  3. Congrats to you! And thanks so much for the sweet shout-out! Your tidbit about your son’s poetry assignment cracked me up. Ah, poetry. I suppose it’s all in the eye of the beholder. 🙂

  4. Oh wow, I was so suprised to see my name on your list!! Thank you, C. I shall start on my list *thinks*, and put up my award 🙂

    I loved your list – we have a lot in common, including the inside out socks!!

    • You are welcome, and once again i am genuinely surprised that so many of us wear our socks inside out.. maybe we should get busy on designing a seam less sock! or one designed to wear inside out! c

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