He got Cold Feet on The Farmy.

Yesterday we had glorious sunshine and not a breath of wind.  This morning sitting in my high up studio, the sky still black all I can hear is wind.

One of the challenges I have set myself, for these pages,  was that all the images, every day, were to be from the farmy, our gardens or my kitchen,  unless I am away – then it will be a kitchen in another place, and yes I will take you to NZ later in the year if you Promise to be Good but it won’t be ’til after the milking. So relax yet.  Anyway I expected that this would be a difficult challenge, to limit my photos  to these few acres. 

I mean, I thought the animals expressions do not change.   I thought nothing much happens. I thought (wrongly as it turns out) that we would all be bored out of our minds.  This not a big area after all.  Plants grow so slowly. But much to my delight I was wrong. Every day brings something new, albeit small. See, here is Mia, being a proper dafty.  Peeping out from the barn, pretending she has a mustache. You have to pronounce that Moosstaash for the proper effect then giggle.  And no that is not my accent that is Mia’s!! Moaning Mia has a Moostaash. (sheep giggle) 

And then I saw this wobbly tableau vivant below. Have you ever seen those photos when teenagers stuff themselves into minis or telephone boxes, (now sadly obsolete), then scream with laughter. Well these guys reminded me of that but without the screaming. How many birds and cats can you stuff into one tiny sunny corner of the barn on a cold January day.   Quite a few apparently. 

Then I see this rooster, he is posing for his calender shot (maybe I should make a calender – you could all have one and hang it in your toilet). He got cold feet, so his feetsies are taking turns warming themselves up amongst his feathers. But while they heat back up  he is stranded.  Waiting. A one legged pirate. 

I take out the camera and we always find something to amuse us don’t we… even though I had not intended it to be another farmy day! I guess every day is really!

But I could not let this sunny day go unmarked.  We can cook another day!

This morning though windy and cloudy,  is a barmy 27F outside, so the internet weather site tells me, and also it looks like every day for the next week or so we will have a high that is above freezing.  Sounds great!

Good morning.


92 responses to “He got Cold Feet on The Farmy.”

  1. Hi C, I want a calender if you make them! he he. Love the photos. The one of mia made me giggle. Just fabulous.
    Regards Florence x

  2. What do you mean the Rooster has no name? I’d recognize him anywhere. That’s Foghorn Leghorn’s great great grandson…Peghorn Leghorn…
    Yeah, I would be really torn to have to choose a favorite out of all those comedians…they are natural thespians it seems, at the first sight of a Camera Lens. Oh, and I bet the real reason Mandy didn’t pick the “Kitty” pictures as her favorite…is she thought the chickens were sacrificing the cat above in some sort of “VoodDoo” revenge of the Chicken ritual.
    Bless you
    great pictures, and post as usual.

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