Extreme Images of A Storm

Late yesterday morning I saw this great broody cloud coming over the horizon like a huge intergalactic mother ship, I dropped what I was doing and sprinting past the long list of work I should have been doing, I collected my camera, jumped in the truck and went storm chasing. I love these images. The skies here fill me with awe.

Here are the best of the images in the order that I shot them. storm coming

extreme storms

storm clouds

storm clouds

And then I looked back to the house.


And said Oh my God. There is no way you can look at that image and not think that all hell will soon be rained down upon my little farm.  But this storm did not bring much rain or wind -just an ordinary storm with dramatic clothing.  Those of you on Instagram with me  (cecilia_bwg) will have seen this shot in real time. Thank fully this time I had my camera AND my phone.

Then yesterday evening another storm came rolling in. But not the silent creepy type – this one was a loud serious storm, full of dark danger.
evening storms

storm clouds7

It pushed that deep humidity ahead of it, the kind of humidity that drains you, making the air hot and wet yet burny on the throat. Our chests were heavy and tempers were short.  Then our spirits were lifted by windows in the sun setting sky. Showing that other parallel dimension running right beside ours.  We could step right though and meet the selves who turned right instead of left and lived another life. I wonder if the other me is having a stormy  summer.

The thunder and lightening could be heard while the sky was still clear. Then the darkness came and we could ONLY hear the storm which is somehow worse. Later in the evening there was talk of a supercell bringing a tornado – not too far from here – my internet weather channel had big red banners across it, Jake and I were madly txting each other  and the Weather Watcher from Chicago was sending updates, I got tornado warnings on my phone but the tornado switched gears powered SouthEast and missed us. I guess it did not touch down for long or at least no-where close to here.   John slept through the whole thing as usual.  He has an amazing capacity for sleep.

So thankfully we dodged another tornado or at least it dodged us. Playing hopscotch with its big fat tornado feet from the skies above.

In weather like this I have to stay up right until the All Clear is given. I am the Watcher. I could never go to bed and read or anything.  Last night I could have read by Lightening Light. But I was up late watching for the All Clear Stars while the house tried to sleep. Now I am the sleepy one.

Then after I went to bed, though the thunder and lightening had mostly moved off, the rain and wind came and we had a doozy of a storm. Much, much more rain than I had expected was hurled into the farm by a howling wind. So once again today we are drenched and the cows will be clean and branches are on the ground. The sun is not up so I cannot see all the damage. But we have only just finished cleaning up from the last storm.

I hope you have a lovely day.

Love celi

PS If you like these images please feel free to steal them (with my credit) or Share the post with your friends.  I love these shots. You are welcome to have them. Of course as usual if you want a hi-res image for a small paypal fee – email me.  celima.g.7@gmail.com. But fast while the images are still on my board, before they are filed into my deeply irretrievable filing system.


69 responses to “Extreme Images of A Storm”

  1. Some of us are Watchers. Must be some old wisdom or teaching lingering in those cells…it does seem necessary that one watch as if it somehow protects the others.
    Absolutely astonishing images. Danger mesmerizing with beauty

  2. “windows in the sun setting sky” – I love the way you describe the possibility of another dimension – a place where our other selves made different choices, live different lives – might need to work on this idea some more 🙂 and – just love the amazing storm photos and your generous offer to borrow one – I’ll let you know if I do 🙂 thanks for all your farmy posts

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