I overslept a bit but these photos are for you.

Mr Flowers is losing his tail feathers which means summer is on the wane! Sob!!

But the feathers did look rather lovely in with a vase of wheat on Sunday!

Look at these fat bottoms. These little piggies are really getting friendly now that their mother is finally down the back with Aunty Sheila. Now that I am their source of food they are VERY friendly.

Late. Late – I wish these images would load faster – it is so cool in these mornings now!

So, my ruined oven will no longer get up to 500 degrees. It just keeps turning off and drifting down to 400f. So I going to email our Longtime Fellow – Pete the Baker, and ask him about the bread he cooks at 4oo degrees. The oven held it’s heat to that temperature so I will adjust.

Adjusting to new challenges is what I do best!

I put a dough of just flour and water in the fridge to autolyse for eight hours last night – then I added the starter and soon salt this morning and hopefully I will bake the following morning. The nights being so much cooler – the long cool rises I had on the weekend were so much better.

Look at this! My latest guest created a collage of her visit!

She also left the most amazing pencil drawing of the coop – in my guest book. She is an architect originally from France and was a lovely guest in the Airbnb.

Now. I had better get going.

Time waits for no woman.



After a good day of rain yesterday, today will be clear and sunny with a high of 81 and an overnight low of 54! An incredible day!

41 responses to “QUICK QUICK”

  1. This the time of year when I’m so longing for the cool of Fall and dreading the shortening days. It’s a conflict, but I can hold two conflicting thoughts and often do. 🙂

  2. Autumn is coming a bit early I think. I don’t bake anymore because I’ve never had an oven that held the correct temp. I had some success with cookies but rarely bread. I do love good bread though. Every photo makes me wish I was there. Piggies, ducks, birds, and artists visiting. What more could one want?

  3. Oh, I forgot about Mr. Flowers.
    Many years ago, when I was growing Christmas trees, my parked car was attacked by a herd of peacocks, who were apparently offended by the blue color. They were a few males, who seemed to get along with each other, but not the car. I have heard that they will do that in response to particular shades of shiny blue. They tore bits of the vinyl roof off.

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