
Why am I here?. That is what the header ‘ABOUT’ is asking me to explain.  Well, I want to join the chorus of players out there who are calling out and saying “Relax. Life can be simple” There is so much we actually do not need. So much in our lives now that were luxuries 20 years ago, 15 years ago, 10 years ago. So much that is drawing from the earth and not paying  back.  So much food that is cluttering up our arteries, destroying the good bacteria in our gut and making us ill.  So many additives that are not even FOOD!  So much food that is not even FOOD!  So  much noise chattering in our brains. So many images confusing our thinking. So many science experiments infiltrating our fields and refrigerators.

Take a breath and sit with me a moment. Here is my hope. That we can heal our environment with our choices. That we can learn to grow our food or find someone who can grow it and support them. That we never leave the soil uncovered. That we can tread gently upon the earth that feeds us.

It is very, very scary when we raise our heads and actually focus on the damage to our land. But enough of the calling out. Enough of the ducking heads. Let’s do it. Let’s learn to grow good clean food and live a chemical free life. So that is why I have begun this series of work. To show us that we can do it.  We can cover all the soil in our spaces with healing plants. We can plant jungles of trees. We can live simply. That small is OK.  That gentle is good. That kind is the most underrated quality in a person.  That clean food you grow yourself and cook for yourself is amazing. That good sparkling healthy tastes on our plates shared with the family around the table every single night should be  normal.

Join me in developing a mostly sustainable/mostly self sufficient/ mostly organic farm to feed ourselves plus a few, right out here in the Midwest of America.  Because life is just like that. It actually is that simple.

I might be away from the midwest every now and then, helping other farmers and other bakers and other home growers, but that’s OK. I will bring you too.


PS Don’t mistake compost for garbage! (laughter!!).

238 responses to “About”

  1. I love how you did this post. I hope that we can become friends!!
    Heather Kendall

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