A Run Around

I cannot bear being locked up or locking anything up. People, birds or animals. Their enclosures are always big and full of greens and light. But it hurts me to have animals behind doors.

A farmer has to. Close gates. I know that. But with the ducklings gone I let the chicks out of the dark brooder and into the run under the apple tree, for a run around. And as expected it was like pouring water into a leaky bucket.

This turkey poult was found making a racket in the mower shed! He got so far that I would not have known he was in there but for his loud frightened peeping. These baby turkeys are loud.

But each time I walked a chick back in they would show me where they got out. So I plugged the holes behind them and eventually they all had a safe afternoon.

Because locked in is safer. sometimes. Ah well.

And then Tima came along and tried to knock down their ru and get to their food, by putting her nose against the panel and pushing it inwards. She is a heavy pig and bent the hog panel wall all out of shape. I had to lock her up in a field and she made herself look as sad as possible by lying at the gate and whining.

I also cannot bear to have the ducklings locked up all day so today when Quacker is near I will let them out for a while. I feel confident I can herd them back in after a wander in the grass. I certainly will not be able to get the ducklings back in if they get as far as the pond though!

We will have to see. But at least I have their nighttime home sorted. And if I watch them it will be ok.

The internet came on later than usual this morning.

So I did the first half of the chores while I waited.

Talk soon!


11 responses to “A Run Around”

  1. Oh how I loved the busy crazy days of the chicks and ducklings. I can totally relate to how your steps add up … although mine did bc I would do one job – go check on the chicks – do another job – go watch the ducks in the pond – do another job – go watch the chicks … Hahahah!

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