Salsa Verde and the Piggies are Put through their Paces.

Remember these from the garden. Tomatillos. 

They hang like little paper lanterns. And inside the little paper lantern a tomato grows. A green tomato. A tomatillo. 

So yesterday Our John made Grilled Tomatillo Salsa Verde. 

Char grill tomatillo, capsicum (sweet pepper) and  a couple of jalapenos until soft. Smash up. Add onion, lime juice, seasonings and  cilantro. Blend with your wife’s new bright orange stick blender. Add a little stock or in John’s case pear cider from his glass if you need some extra fluid. 

We ate this on the verandah with more of the chilled pear cider. And the discussion as we munched was to Cut the Hay or Not To Cut  the Hay! There is a chance of rain and we all know what that means. It will ONLY rain if the precious alfalfa hay is cut! But it has started to flower, so the time has come. Once the skies are clear for 5 days ahead, we will take the risk.

John  told me that his very tasty Grilled Salsa Verde was inspired by the folks over at  Inspired Taste. A site I had never heard of and  am off to visit immediately.

Then yesterday evening I took the Shush Sisters for their walkies. They love their walkies! This is their training time. They are learning to heel. We walk through all the gates and around the property now. I gave my camera to the Tall Teenager after discussing what shots I needed so you could see how their training is coming along.  I call them and talk to them the whole time.  So they follow quite well to a point. Though I laughed when I saw the images. We look like a mad parade! With miss c in her workdress and gumboots labouring under the misconception that she is in charge!! The Tall Teenager is doing well with the camera.  It is time I bought him one of his own. He is starting to really SEE.  And Hereford Pigs are so photogenic. 

As usual Sheila is a good pig, Charlotte is the nosy pig and TonTon brings up the rear. Remind me to clean my lens again!!

They are allowed to play in the sheep’s water before going back to bed. Training is hot work.

Good morning. It will be another lovely ordinary day here today.  The temperatures were mild (in the low nineties) all last week and it looks the same again this week. We get so much more done when it is not excessively hot.   No rain yet.  No hay cut yet. Probably tonight.

Have a lovely day.


PS. There are days when I pop a few images of the day on my Face Book page the night before I post.  (Join by pushing LIKE in the FB column on your right).   I pop in there every morning after the milking to visit. And every day I post my favourite image to my Pinterest Boards. (Also over on your right)  If you have a favourite image I don’t mind if you share too. Especially if it will give your friends a laugh. We all need a laugh! c


88 responses to “Salsa Verde and the Piggies are Put through their Paces.”

  1. I thought I saw those tomatillos in an earlier post, but you didn’t id them then. And I thought to myself – that looks for all the world like strawberry tomato (Physalis pruinosa). I had never heard of tomatillos (P. philadelphica) before, and as it turns out, it’s in the same genus as strawberry. P pruinosa is a wild edible plant, but you have to let them ripen or they are a wee bit toxic. I have not successfully ripened any yet, so I’ve still not tasted them. I may have to search out the tomatillos!

  2. There’s plenty of rain here. The pigs are gorgeous but we don’t want to think too much about that. I love the sound of your salsa verde and I think it would be just lovely with the chilled pear cider xx

  3. As good as Your John’s salsa verde sounds, the real discovery here is that The Teenager may have found an avocation in photography. He does seem to have “the eye.”
    Love how TonTon was carrying a stick throughout the training session. I had a dog that carried a stick on each and every walk we took together. 🙂

  4. It is very strange reading in reverse.. and I shan’t do so again. But curious to read about your premonition about rain!! I loved seeing you in photos.. you must promise that you will do this again.. I have images of creating an embroidered tea towel of you with your pigs following behind. If I can figure out a way to do this out here I will try! I ❤ your little pigs 😀 xx Smidge

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