Yesterday afternoon I was down the back spreading the compost on the asparagus beds. One down. Five to go. Some of the compost is still frozen solid. Anyway after I had finished my goal for this job, which was one bay, I wandered back up to the house. It was not until bedtime ( after- dinner chores) that I realized I had not called Jude back.

I had just walked off and left him mucking about down the back.

I went out looking for him but he was not on his usual bed – it did not take me long to discover him tucked in between Tane and Wai. Fast asleep.

Right in the last week of his stay here he finally makes friends with the Three Little Pigs. ( I had to use a flash to get this shot in the dark but I knew you would want to see this).

However the good news is that I can dismantle his corner room and turn it back into the creep for the newborn piglets. Molly is not too far off. Maybe ten days I think.

The ducks are laying eight eggs – the last two mornings. This means one of the injured ducks is laying. And yesterday I saw the worst looking one stretch her neck back and start grooming so that is a definite improvement. They still hang out by themselves as the rest of the flock graze from field to field but they all go to bed together which will maintain some cohesion in the flock.

In fact last night they put themselves to bed in the stock trailer. No need for me to herd them in at all.

Today I go down to The Mill to talk to Jill the mill manager – we will discuss my new part-time job down there. They looked like they needed extra help at the mill so I talked myself in the door. I will manage the internet sales. I like Harold and I like Jill so I will be with good people. And I will manage my own schedule.

With John retired he can do a bit more gardening and cooking. This will give me the time to work off the farm. I feel my wings spreading again.

I hope you have a good day.


30 responses to “BED – TIME”

  1. Look how that darling little rescue pig has grown and found a family. So sorry he has to go. It is good news about the ducks, and they must feel safe in their new home to have adapted so quickly. Hopefully the three will eventually be accepted back into the group…though maybe they are like humans who bond during traumatic events and they will never be the same again. Congratulations on the part time job. We only need to put these things out to the Universe and our needs are met. xx

  2. Clearly you are a born sales person – see, you have talked yourself into a job! And yes, I think you’re ideal for the purpose and passionate about the cause, and it will take you about 10 seconds to learn everything you need to know because you’re flexible and used to responding to whatever the Farmy throws at you. I reckon Harold and Jill are not only lucky to get you, they’ll wonder what they did without you in fairly short order.
    Do give us all a chance to say goodbye to Jude when he leaves for his forever home…?

  3. Wonderful that you will be able to work at something in which you believe. A satisfying and joyful way by which to earn a little extra . . . . and especially advantageous if you can set your own hours. Am glad you are getting amongst other like-minded people . . . best . . .

  4. A new job sounds like a great adventure! And there will no doubt be perks that come along with working there – scraps for composting or the pigs, etc.

    Good to hear about the ducks and that they’ve got the band back together. Some of the animals I have experience with will not re-form bonds once they are broken.

    • Yes / the flock was a real worry for me – I think forcing them to all sleep in s small trailer every night might have helped. At first the healthy ducks were shooing the injured ones away which could have been bad

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