Of both my worlds. A little of both my worlds. Don’t we all live with our feet in more than one camp – that is life right?

The Mill and The Farm. My two jobs now but they are more than jobs – the both of them.

Janie’s Farm, which feeds Janie’s Mill with grain, has a plot of ancient grains. It is part of a study with U of I. I don’t know the names of them the grains yet but here is a shot from the plot. A shot from the plot! Today I will begin a loaf of bread using a grain the ancients used. Like spelt – I have lots of spelt.

That Pompeii loaf. It is half spelt – half whole grain – maybe I will use Janie’s Mill Chicago and our Spelt- I have both in my fridge. I love the idea of an individual bakers stamp too. Each baker in ancient Rome had a special stamp so you knew who baked the loaf. I am going to work on that.

There is a lot to be said for planting the crop last year. Wheat is one of those. I look forward to wheat in my own fields. Above is Warthog by the way. Warthog is not as high in protein – it makes more of an all purpose flour. We call our all purpose flour – Iroquois. Learning. Learning. My other favorite thing.

I have not seen Mrs Flowers in a while. I saw her hanging about the evergreens often a week or so ago and wondered if she was thinking about nesting. I will have a look for her this weekend but they are often very hard to find when nesting.

Speaking of nesting. Maybe another week for Poppy. No longer than that I think.

Summer has begun they say. And I am hunting another break to cut more of my hay.

Visitors just keep booking the Airbnb – maybe that is my third job. I have a couple leaving today and another couple coming tomorrow so today will be busy. I don’t mind though – I get a lot of pleasure from seeing people enjoy themselves. Reading on the porches or wandering about the farm.

I hope you are having a good weekend.


Hot and rainy. Delightful. Not. But do you see that gap in the rain? If Monday’s rain backs off I just might squeeze a cut of hay in there.

20 responses to “A LITTLE”

  1. Morining,
    I use spelt to blend with my hard wheats to create a sort of all purpose. No soft wheat grown up here. Is the U of I testing any perennial wheats?

  2. The photographs of the grains are so beautiful. I love those. And the peacock tail is gorgeous. There is a curious light in the pictures today…wetness in the air I think. It makes all the colors saturated and deep…and it creates a slight atmosphere of apprehension or expectation. Can’t put my finger on it. But very beautiful. x (p.s. I’ve always had theories about the wisdom of twoness in life and how important it is to have your feet planted in different worlds, both real and metaphorical.)

  3. How fabulous the Airbnb is doing so well! Who wouldn’t want to come, kick back and enjoy the farmy! Wonderful!!! xoxoxo

  4. Mornin’, Ceci ! I look at your gorgeous photos and see expectation and anticipation – everything knows ‘IT’ is coming and are waiting with bated breath! I especially enjoyed the conglomerate of animals mingling so peacefully in the barnyard. What a sight! And those grains – so healthy! I’ll bet their perfume is heavenly! Have a wonderful weekend, dear lady!

  5. Learning is what life is all about. I love it too. That’s why I come here. You either get the wet or the extreme heat. Seems no in between. ;( You are a renaissance woman. More jobs and interests than most. Highly diversified. 😉

  6. You said, “Each baker in ancient Rome had a special stamp” and immediately Jack Whyte’s, The Skystone (from A Dream of Eagles Series) sprang to mind… Did you know that everyone who baked bread had their own “maker’s marque” because every household used the communal oven to bake their bread on firing days? It’s a wonderful, generation-spanning series of historical fiction: )

  7. I meant to post yesterday about the amazing pics of the grains. I love all you are learning about grains and taking your bread baking to a new experimental level!!!! Unfortunately, I cannot eat wheat and gluten but I used to love spelt bread and other ancient grains for pancakes and waffles. And looking forward to confirming that Mrs. Flowers is well. Hoping for lovely piglets soon.

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