I passed my PCQI final exam – did I tell you?

So now I am the Qualified Individual in charge of Preventative Controls at The Mill.

So much for only a little part time job!

Still, I can leave my paid work around about 2-3pm which means I can get a good four hours farming done before I hang it up for the night.

The Swamp Field is being tilled once more before planting the cover crop.

Yesterday afternoon I turned the hay. It was hot and windy all day yesterday so there is a good chance we can bring it in this afternoon. This is good alfalfa hay so it would be great to get an high protein cut in.

I told John he should start baling the ditches and roadsides but he did not seem interested.

It is still very humid and hot and though the weather apps are pinging out heat warnings with monotonous regularity – I don’t think it is that excessive, it is just our normal summer heat here. As long as the animals have lots of water everyone is happy.

I would rather the heat than the cold any day. Plus The Mill is chilled to 57 degrees because the flour is organic so it is a nice place to be in the summer.

I sowed piles of yellow corn in this field for forage. It will be interesting to see if any of it sets with the plants so far apart.

It is an hot and muggy morning. And almost time to begin the day.

A friend has an organic apple orchard and her apples are beginning to drop – not quite ripe yet but I am going over to see if there are any windfalls the girls and I can collect. Anna has her sister visiting this weekend – plus I have sisters staying in the Airbnb. Sometimes life offers an odd balance. You could call them coincidences I guess – parallels? What is that word.

I will think of it when I am milking and this entry is long published.

I hope you have a lovely day.


36 responses to “TIRED LIKE A BRUISE”

  1. Maybe that is why I live in the north country- I can deal with the cold better than hot and humid. I feel I can always put on more clothes but can’t take much more off! I don’t live on a windy prairie though!!

  2. Congratulations on your PCQI! I myself started Food Safety almost a year ago. Ongoing learning process!

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