So many pictures today!

Firstly I got a present from one of my children of a FitBit. I set it all up – proceeded with my ordinary day and here was yesterday.

Do you have a FitBit? Or some kind of device to track steps. I am loving it. And I love that it told me I slept well even though I knew that already! Because sleep is my Super Power.


Just too many pictures of the wee pigs. Their name has evolved again to The Charlettes. I will only show you two pictures in the interesting brevity. (And the internet is dreadful this morning). They are so busy. All still super healthy and survived sleeping in a metal culvert in last nights lightning storm.

I tried to get them to go into the trailer where there is heaps of straw but they decided to stay under their tree in the culvert which they are going to swiftly grow out of.

Here is a wide shot of the Trailer Park for perspective.

The Fields

The farmer tilled the weeds in Uncle’s Field all yesterday. The tiller is very shallow. He goes very slow. Which is why it took all day. No chemicals remember. And then it rained in the night.

The rain could not have been more perfectly timed.

The Calves

The calves are doing beautifully. I bring them up out of the fields, with their Aunties, and into the barn early evening for a night on dry feed. Then let them back out in the early morning. Shortly. White calf’s bottom is all dry now – no more runny poo. So that is a relief.

I am teaching them the call – “Off to the Barn” – I always have a little corn in their feed tray so they get a reward for coming up.

The Ducklings

The ducklings are out in an outside run.

And jolly pleased about that.

Behind them the chicks have the whole brooder now. They are still too small to come out. Plus those turkeys!

Hopeless! What does he think is up there? I have moved their roost in to their bigger area so hopefully that will keep this nosy fella happy.

Good morning. Another ordinary day. And it is Friday! A pic from John’s side of the tractor shed.

I have nothing to add to that.

Have a good one. Take care and Talk soon!


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35 responses to “So many pictures today!”

  1. Thanks for all the great photos !! ….they all seem to warrent a story of their own….like you have time for that !!

  2. Brilliant round of photos for today! That field picture is captivating in how perfect the lines and crops look fading off into the haze. Why do I think that upcoming posts are going to be full of turkeys doing crazy things 😉 This is going to be a great summer with so many animals being themselves. I can only look at John’s side and wonder what in the world might be living in and around all that… and then how I would avoid going there!

  3. Vice Grip Garage might be interested in one of those cars. He has a Youtube channel that focuses on getting abandoned cars running and then he drives them home. It’s quite entertaining 🙂

  4. Your splendid photography brings us right out to the Farmy. All the new life & greenery burgeoning are a glory to behold. And the scenes of fields stretching to the hazy horizons are amazing to a person encircled by mountainsides. John’s section looks like the cobwebby home of the other Charlottes & their egg sacs.

  5. How healthy and contented all these young creatures are looking. What a great job you are doing with all these youngsters, they look wonderful. Fingers crossed for the season ahead.

  6. Ha… does look like your side of the barn is a little more tidy than John’s….haha. You work so very hard here Ceci….and I’m sure you walk more than 10,000 steps per day, everyday, (which is supposed to be the required amount to stay healthy, or so they say :).


    • John embraces decay – I fight it. I am not sure who is right. And I agree about those numbers – 10,000 sounds so arbitrary! What about 8,567? Any movement is good I think. But Lordy, by dinner time I cannot wait to let gravity dump me down into the chair.

  7. I do love my Fitbit although I’m not as compulsive about getting over 10,000 steps as I used to be. I bet it’s easy for you to get the steps! Lovely animals enjoying themselves on a Friday.

  8. Stormed here last night too – about 88-92 miles east of you roughly. My step granddaughter, her partner and 20 month old baby were at Indiana Beach yesterday and enjoyed themselves. She works there on weekends. John’s area looks like a lot of other guy collections I’ve seen over the years. They never get back to those old vehicles or machines, even though they insist they will. I have an aquaintance who has a private junkyard and it’s the same kind of thing, lots of old, odd things that he’s going to “get to” when he retires. Sheds with old cars and trucks, a pole barn with hoards of odd household things, machines and such around the yard all rusting away. It’s some sort of guy thing. All the critters look happy in the sunshine.

  9. I had a Fitbit for many years and loved it, it finally broke and my husband purchased an Apple watch for me last Christmas. I don’t love that not everything on it agrees with my old Fitbit but it is essentially the same. There is an existential question though, if I forget my watch when out for a walk…did the steps happen? I know that sounds crazy but it is a thought I get.

  10. I do have a Fitbit. I think I’m on my third one. I’m not sure it makes me any more active but it’s interesting to look at the stats. I wish sleep was my superpower. I got 6 hours last night. That’s a good night for me.

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