Hot in The Plains

The piglets are eating down all their shade. Slowly all their greenery is being ripped back down to nothing. And boy do we need shade this week.

My twice a week farm hand has the piglets tame enough now that she was able to get the sunscreen zinc on all their floppy ears. One of them is a nibbler. She likes to nibble at my back when I am crouching down to do something in their run. Little rogue. No manners.


The ducklings

The ducklings spent all day out yesterday. I had big containers of water just outside the door so they did not go far.

They ate a lot of greens though.

Quacker spent all day under the twisted willow tree with them. A few man steps away. Just within earshot. They don’t follow her yet which is good because at the end of the day they put themselves back to bed.

And I was able to shut the door against predators.

It was hot though.

100f in the brooder house at 4pm (I turned the heat lamp off a week ago) so the chicks were all out under the trees too.

Tima got quite overheated yesterday. Poor old thing. I kept having to refill her water because she takes a drink then lies in the water bowl. Flopping the water out everywhere. She prefers that to her wallow but then she has no water to drink. Silly pig.

Jude is acclimating to the heat but spent all yesterday bickering over the wallow with FreeBee. There is plenty of room if they would just share.

The heat is getting to them too.

We have two more super hot days to go, then there is a wee bit of break and maybe some rain. I do hope so. I am afraid our pigs edible flower garden might dry up before it even gets going. It would have been beautiful.

Too hot for dogs.

Good morning!

Today is Friday! If you are subscribed to the afternoon edition of The Kitchens Garden -TKG Take Ten – then I will see you on Sunday with the TKG Sustainable Sunday newsletter.

Otherwise I will see you again Monday.

The summer newsletter is quite fun!

Have a lovely weekend.


22 responses to “Hot in The Plains”

  1. I hope you get some reprieve from the heat soon. It has been very hot and humid here this week, too. My daughter is visiting from British Columbia and the humidity is getting to her. She’s only been gone a year. How soon they forget! LOL We’ve also had several torrential rains and severe thunderstorms which always makes me worry about tornadoes.

    • Boo is wearing a string so I can grab him if he is bad. He feels he should herd the ducklings back to their house. For some reason he always focuses on them. The string reminds him he is not to move without a command.

    • no air conditioning but at night I open the doors and windows wide open to the north which cools the rooms right down. Then at about 5 am I shut everything back up and turn on fans:
      to be fair I am seldom in the house anyway.

  2. I remember the duck wings taking SO LONG to come in. They have those funny little short arms for quite a while. They are loving their environment. I see Quacker looked fairly close to them in the greens. I wonder what she is thinking?

  3. It does look and sound too hot for man and beast. And woman too! Although we might be able to loll around in those temperatures, you have a farm to run. Working outside would be brutal.

  4. And on the other side of the world, Australia is having its coldest winter in a very long time. Some alarmists are talking about snow in Melbourne. We are just above the cold line, so while the mornings can be a bit nippy if you’re accustomed to heat, the nights are blissfully cool and my winter vegie garden is flourishing. Beans soon!

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