Boxing Day Fresh Buttermilk Pancakes

And how did I make that fresh buttermilk? Oh, I was hoping that you would ask that question.  Because you see, The Matriarch gave me a Butter Churn for Christmas. She said it was from Santa!! Apparently Santa is a very clever old bugger. He knew just what I needed.

A glorious old butter churn. On the label it reads ‘Guaranteed Highest Quality Elgin for the Modern DairyMan.’  Which is kind of strange as often the kids and women did the milking and almost always did the butter churning. But there you are.  DairyMAN indeed.  It should read Dairy Family.  Elgin made this model in the 1920’s.  But no matter how old, the gears are good, and back to work it goes, in the old fashioned Farmy Kitchen. 

So, as you can imagine I pounced on it, scattering wrapping paper in all directions, washed it, skimmed the cream off a jug of  milk from the cow down the road, and between Our John and I, we cranked that thing until we got some butter.  Because the cream was too cold it took a long time.  I knew that, but I could not wait. 

I washed and patted the butter while talking trifle on the phone, with my sons in NZ, sluicing the buttermilk out.  The Buttermilk was put aside for pancakes.  Buttermilk is the left over milk. It is thin and slightly acidic. Not to be confused with Cultured Buttermilk which is slightly fermented milk. I will make some of that too.

So this morning John made pancakes using the home made butter, and a couple of  fresh eggs that had miraculously appeared in the laying boxes, (Big day on the egg farm!) and the fresh buttermilk.

Johns Buttermilk Pancakes

  • 1 1/2 cups flour
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1/1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • pinch  of salt
  • 1 3/4 cups fresh buttermilk
  • 2 small eggs
  • 3 tablespoons melted homemade butter
  •  Mix dry ingredients together. Make a well. Add mixed wet ingredients. And you know the rest.
  • Mama the Sheep was doing so well yesterday morning that I did let her out into the field for a stroll.  She shot out of the barn like a stallion out of the starting gate, took herself for a gallop and within seconds was limping again. So I called her back in to a bigger pen. She has more room but no room to run.  She is standing in there now practicing baleful looks. The naughty girl. But she is standing on all four feet, so we are winning.
  • The sun is rising, time for me to get busy.

88 responses to “Boxing Day Fresh Buttermilk Pancakes”

  1. Wow – Santa and The Matriarch really came up trumps! You lucky lucky Dairy Chick…am going to show big man the photo and see if he can make me one. Would have to make my butter from goat´s milk – could be fun!

    • Evidently it is harder to seperate the cream from goats milk. But it can be done i think. As i understand it. It is more homogenised that cows milk (if that makes any sense) . I think this helps to make great goats cheese though. You will just have to get a Daisy. But not the super sized one!! Love to the Big Man Tanya.. c

  2. I do love a good pancake! I have the churn that belonged to my great-grandparents. My mother remembers watching her grandfather churn butter – and letting her help! How precious that is to me! It is a wooden churn with metal rungs, probably from the very late 1800’s.

  3. What a beautiful piece of kit! Lucky girl, you. 🙂

    I read recently that I can make butter by pouring some double cream into a bottle and then shaking and shaking and shaking it until suddenly a wad of solid starts forming. If you continue shaking, it collects more and more fat, meaning more and more butter. Is that true? Can I really make butter from double cream that way?

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