Flying feathers might get me arrested

Our John told me that if I showed you these pictures I would be arrested. Only if we are betting I told him.( Just quietly my money is on the biggest ruff.)  Elizabeth I would be proud.  Ten yards of ruff was sufficient evidently.  No-one told the roosters though.

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Boys! (snort).

I fell with through a hole in the  barn loft floor yesterday. I was encouraging the peahens to go back into their Peahen Palace. One again I was reminded of Hansel and Gretel as I lay a little trail of cat food food for them to follow straight into their big pen. Did that witch have a name? I often feel like her when fattening up my animals.

Anyway I was waving my broom, like witches do, making shoo shoo noises when I stepped backwards and right through the missing boards that allow a hole above the hay manger. It makes life very easy when feeding out in the winter and very easy to fall through in the summer. One leg went straight through the floor, dragging my arse quite literally to the floor, and as I recorrected  my weight flew straight out into the void.  My bottom is not overly padded, I felt that wack to the bottom.  Bounced up, flipped over the rail, caught a post and with the tumbling mometum and flying legs, twirled back to safety, calling a halt to the whole fiasco. Good thing I still do yoga in the morning or the damage may have been worse. I am just sore and strained this morning.


Stupid girl, thinks she can fly,  said the two peahens, as they stupidly toddled through the Penthouse door. I raced over and shut the door firmly then harumphed shakily back down the ladder.

The hole is directly below those two roosting chickens in the image above. So you see it wold not have been much of a fall.  All’s well that ends well.

lnew-card-010 The September Home Grown Challenge resulted in Gnocchi  for dinner last night  with a lovely fresh garden sauce.  Chicago John makes Gnocchi, Greg makes Gnocchi and when Isaw that Sawson makes Gnocchi too (here is her recipe)  I knew I was outnumbered and had to give it a go. new-card-012 new-card-015 new-card-007

And it really is as easy as she makes it look. I made enough for dinner, John’s lunch today (John always take left overs for lunch – it saves a lot of money and is so much healthier) and a bag full for the freezer.

Good morning. Have a lovely day.

your friend on the farmy, celi

ps  Yummy Tummy Farms produced an alarming article about American processed chicken products being made in China and sold in the US without appropriate labelling. This is a USDA recently approved procedure. So if you do eat processed foods (which I do not) be very careful. Very bloody careful. No-one but you should be in control of what you eat. So step up and take control. If you cannot find a farmer, shop the outsides of the supermarket.  Only eat what your great-grandmother would recognise as food. It is getting scary out there. Scarier not safer or healthier.

This is making me think seriously about doing more chickens next year in more chicken tractors and maybe those who live close by can grow their own chickens out here. There must be a way to help get good food to more of you.


80 responses to “Flying feathers might get me arrested”

  1. The yoga habit is hard to let go of – even a tiny bit seems to work.
    You must be careful in that barn loft ( taking calcium pills? You should be…sorry, won’t nag)
    The dogs look like they are betting on the rooster fight. Great pictures – luckily it does look like a farm so hopefully no regulatory agencies will notice (giggles) Handsome roosters!

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