Found my house

The perfect house.

A tiny walk back down this river which meets the beach I see the perfect little house for me!! 😂

It is about twenty minutes on foot from the beach! Maybe the farmer will sell me a little bit of garden.

And we are good to go. My little off grid house. A person can dream, right?

Lots of water around.

Just imagine.

I have left Ōtaki Beach now and am back in the big wild Wellington garden above Mirimar. The winds have passed and the sky dawned clear with a brisk eyebrow raised to coming winter.

I think I might have found my favourite month to travel. It feels like I am getting the best of both worlds – hemispheres.

It is Monday morning here in NZ – Sunday afternoon in IL. My split brain is coping! Time to get up. I have weeds to pull! The kids are all back at school today after their 2 week holiday. So this week I will have more time for writing!

Have a lovely afternoon/morning. What time is it at your place anyway!?

Love Celi

Go HERE for the latest TKG Take Ten. There is an odd flickering at the beginning that I did not see before I uploaded the vid. And that roaring is the sea at my back.

I will try for another vid this morning. I love the city birds too.

Here is an interesting map for all of you who are watching the North American birds. It shows the anticipated bird migration numbers for this season. One thing you can do to help the birds is TURN OFF all the lights you do not need at night (this is why we do not have a big yard light on our barn) – the lights play havoc with night time bird flight paths. Go dark. Help the planet and your birds.

Have a good one.


12 responses to “Found my house”

  1. What an amazing spot for your house, and honestly I could easily see you right there with a Kune Kune or two trotting alongside 🙂 The black swan and the decks amidst foliage that is so not what I see normally is beautiful. I think you need to go talk to that farmer…

  2. That is a perfect spot for a house!

    My partner and I often dream of a little off-grid cabin. By the sea or in the woods. That would be nice indeed.

    It’s Sunday evening, almost bedtime, here in the UK. Enjoy your Monday 😊

  3. A perfect little house for you and I could come and visit from time to time. It’s a lovely day here in Raumati The temperature has dropped and we are being made aware that Winter is now quite close. Take care enjoy the rest of your stay.

  4. It looks as if it has excellent feng shui qualities too, with mountains behind and water in front. Not that I believe in that much, but I can see why you love it. A little plot of garden, a cow and a piggy and some chooks. A wood stove, a comfy bed, a table, chair, bookshelves and a well outside. Can I come and visit?

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