The state of being Out of the Office

Still in Melbourne.

Lots of list-making happening but not much else.

I am focusing on rest now. I was getting a bit run down with all the travel and that nasty bout of Covid in Wellington. (The Covid knocked out some of my long term resilience – generally I am stupid healthy!). And I need to be in the tippest of tip top health because I am hitting the ground running straight after landing back in Illinois. The farm and the kitchen gardens are going to wind up fast! So these few days of resting and writing are just lovely.

This morning is very quiet. The dog is once again asleep on my bed, now that her human has gone to work. Boo would never be allowed on my bed so don’t tell him!

I am really only popping in to say I won’t be popping in to the blog again until Monday in Illinois.

You can find me HERE. This is a free thread for us to chat. I have just started it! Though you will need to subscribe to TKG Take Ten. Let me know what notifications you get after commenting. I don’t want too much landing in your inbox – it seems to me I am only notified if someone new comments in the thread which is good because I want to chat! I love to chat. Somehow we are talking about the trials of food scraps in the city. (I love the organic movement of conversation). Many cities have compost pick up but you are the lucky ones!

I am very interested in all your ideas for a post on composting in the city, so do pop in with your ideas and solutions. This is a very free form private chat so pop in! Go HERE.

Anyway. I am here this morning, beaming in from Melbourne, with TimTam once again laid across my feet, to say I won’t be posting again until I am back on the farm.

I am spending a lot of fascinating reading time going to YOUR blogs during this rest period, so leave a comment or a link if you want to remind me to pop over. I don’t mind the reminder. And WordPress routinely drops my subscriptions!

Watch out for the Sustainable Sunday letter coming out on a Midwest Sunday. We will be back to our usual routine.

Have a great day.

Don’t forget to get a little sun and a lot of water. Humans are plants too! 😂


PS … the cat’s name is KitKat, of course!! 😂

19 responses to “The state of being Out of the Office”

  1. Thank you for taking me on your adventures. Safe travels and I can’t wait to see what happens on the farm.

  2. When I clicked on “like” just now & the last time or two, up pops a broken image sign & “My Grav”. It takes me to some long weird return address. I don’t know if you could see from that that it’s me, but you can here anyway & I am signed up for Take Ten. I’m glad you’ve had a mostly lovely visit (except for catching covid) with your families in the Southern Hemisphere. And you’ll have an easy & safe trip back to the Farmy & your waiting Americans.

  3. After the above comment I was taken to a sign up page for WordPress, as I “was not signed in.” As you said above about your experiences. The same thing is also happening to me on several other blogs I read.

  4. I am glad you are resting up. I’m on my way to London today, heading home on Sunday. I’ve been here three weeks and I’m tired! I love travel, but I miss all my people back home. So I can’t imagine how you must feel after all the places you’ve been and people you have seen. Though I know you are also filled up with the love of them all. Safe travels to you.

    • If it weren’t for the people and the animals I could honestly travel forever. I guess I am not tired per se just taking this time as a kind of forced rest. I know I will be getting plenty of exercise when I get back to the farm!
      You on the other hand have been travelling and teaching – so much harder. You had to use your brain! Run your business! I bet you are tired.

  5. Resting and taking stock before your return to the farmy so sensible! Hope you have enjoyed all your travels and family catch up time and that you are looking forward to the next busy step. “See you in Illinois”, can’t wait x

  6. Resting up is a very good idea! For sure you will ‘hit the ground running!’ I’m guessing the Farmy has had lots of rain, as we have here, and that it is green and gorgeous with lots and lots of growth, including weeds! Has Our John put tomato plants in? Of course there is lots of time for planting everything still, be we got a head start on the garden in April as the weather was very warm, and are eating from it already. Enjoy these last few days with your daughter. They will be wonderful! xo

    • John has been in the hospital again while I was away ( nothing life threatening) so I am not sure about his tomatoes. We will be putting in a late garden. But not too late really. Late May is a good week for planting here.

  7. I’m at least a tiny bit satisfied to see TimTam and KitKat, but won’t be really happy until on back on the farm, after seeing Paree.

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