Dog on the Bed

I am writing this morning with TimTam the great big rescue dog lying across my legs on the bed. I cannot imagine that this will be very comfortable for the dog but it appears she has decided that laying about in the bed is the best thing in the world. So I should stay here too.

I am very relaxed after yesterday evenings visit to the mineral pools. HERE. So I am happy to comply.

It was cool and rainy which was perfect for soaking in hot outdoor pools. This is a very new svd very clean facility. Well designed and the plantings are beautiful. (The only thing I would change is to give cover for the robes. Our soft and fluffy robes got wet hanging on hooks in the rain!) But this morning my skin is so soft! And my travel weary muscles so relaxed.

I am in Melbourne, Australia for those of you playing catch up.

My daughter has gone to work. Everything is quiet. In fact this is my first quiet day in weeks.

And I do not intend to waste a minute.

This 2024 family tour started April 08. Actually March 22 if we include Canada. I have been a while on the road. I don’t mind it. I have five children to visit. And. Every home and every family has its own particular challenge and joy. I am a natural gypsy. So I revel in weeks living out of my precisely packed suitcase. I love traveling light.

And the cabin bag worked brilliantly. In fact there were clothes I did not even wear. So as long as I had access to a washing machine we were all good. (I will talk about this more later this week). Maybe I will make a little video. That might be fun.

The most important items were my long deep grey gabardine coat and my converse shoes. The elegant slim cut coat covered my whole body and the shoes added a little playful punk. Together they made a statement. Everything else was black. Except for one pair of blue jeans. And all my underclothing is pink. (Because knickers should be fun!).


Five more sleeps to go and we are home.

Back to farm clothes and summer! The summer will be a shock!

Oh my. Now there is a cat peering over the end of the bed.

Definitely time to stop writing and get busy for a few hours. The house inspector from the rental company is coming on Wednesday (it is Ami day morning here) so today I am doing windows! My objective is to leave the homes of my children better than I found them which means I am always looking for things to do. A house inspector is a wonderful challenge for a wee house that is already looking great!

Have a great day.

The chicks and ducklings and turkey poults are due to be shipped on the 3rd. So pop that date in your calendar. Just imagine a TKG Take Ten of them!


23 responses to “Dog on the Bed”

  1. Our dog is laying across the end of the bed too… he sleeps in his own bed on the floor but is not a morning person either tg s is happy to come up and chill while we drink coffee.
    Your Melbourne activities feel like a nice mix of R&R (the white acolyte/toweling robes threw me for a moment), purpose and self.

      • That is amazing. In Canada the landlord has no right to visit or be inside a property once it is rented. This has led to some incredible situations… we once had people living next to our country home who were growing cannabis in the basement. The only way the landlord got access is bc I called the Humane Society about the ten plus cats I could see trying to get out a window. There are also very strict rules about selling rental properties or renovating them. It is interesting now that we are renters in the city. I would think there would be landlords here that would LOVE to have an inspection… and teeth to do something about problems.

  2. Is Tim Tam wearing a sweater, or rolled up in your blanket? Clever dog 🙂 So glad you had a delightful time at the spa.

  3. I have six more sleeps until I board my plane for home. But this year I’ve loved being here. (Last year was hard with so much pain.) And I adore following your travels!

  4. You had me at the title. If dog and bed are in the same sentence, I’m there too. Perfick. As you say. Love following your gypsy-moth flitting about the world….as I sit indentured to my desk chair and work. Sigh. x

  5. “Because knickers should be fun!” That made me laugh out loud, Cecilia. So true. 💖 I love that you packed for such a long trip with a carry-on. I have been challenging myself to do the same. I managed 17 days in England last fall and never felt short of clothes to wear.

    Enjoy your time in Melbourne!

  6. What a perfect end to your sojourns. I love the look of the mineral pools. A comfy bed requires a dog as for as I’m concerned. Enjoy your relaxing day.

  7. OH, enjoy it all – and safe travels
    Summer has arrived here ( and I’m already wilting). So totally appreciated you soothing, cool images. (What a lovely spot – and the idea of a mineral pool soak – ahhh, better just reading your description and joy)
    The cabin bag idea sounds perfect. So much easier to travel that way, so do share more on your method.
    And if the dog chooses you and your bed, it’s because you are deemed worthy. Quite an honor.
    Onward with smiles

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