Peahens on the Catwalk, Kitten in the Garden

Pania and Tui.


Posing for the paparrazi. Signatures later! Maybe.


Lots of flat-out farm work again yesterday. Working on the little hoop house, and bringing in as much produce as is left in the gardens, tonight it is meant to freeze down to 35F (1.6C)  so it a race against time.  Who knows if the tomatoes will survive that anyway. But I will put the tarp back on as well for an extra layer of insulation.something-016

And look who was following me. something-011

We had a proper vets appointment yesterday. Marmalade Cat weighs just under 9 oz, his heart is good, he is well hydrated and tried to eat the vets thumb right off when the man offered him a meaty treat, he is on antibiotics  for a bowel infection.  The noisy fella is looking good. The vet (who is not my lady vet -the Lady Vet handles the Big animals) said he looks between two and three weeks old. Even younger than we thought.


And doing exceptionally well for his age. He loves to be outside.


Which is good, because so do we.


Good morning. Already by this morning the Little Marmalade Cat’s medicine seems to be taking effect and he is not crying as much and doing better physically.  He chuffs around the floor without stopping,  only really happy when he can see Boo.  As I write he is climbing up onto Boo’s head.

Today will be more cleaning of the barn, and when my next sheet of plastic comes I will finish the greenhouse, though it is raining outside this morning so that will be a damp task. And I do have to move the pigs electric fence,  and shift Daisy and Queenie into Pats Paddock.  Which means I need to move the sheep that are already in there.  Thank goodness for my big Wet and Dry coat.

I hope you have a lovely day.

your friend, celi

71 responses to “Peahens on the Catwalk, Kitten in the Garden”

  1. Thank you for my Sunday morning smile: methinks your kitten has been named and all and sundry will be looking forwards to the continuation of the Boo and Marmalade saga! So happy matters are steadying for you, but tho’ I hate the cold, would so love to be at the farmy at the moment. Woke up this morning to find ‘our’ bushfire here still uncontained and growing and affecting seven villages now [the least controlled in the state] ~ that is only about eight kilometres from me . . .a horror week weatherwise forecast . . . 100 firefighters here at the moment will find it hard to contain the flames . . . fingers crossed!

  2. We are expecting below freezing nights by the end of the week and rain mixed with SNOW during the day. Not looking forward to that. Lyn, I’ve had good results with coconut oil in the dogs’ ears. It has both anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. If it has solidified I just warm a spoon in hot water and scoop a bit out of the jar. Leave it in for a day or over night, then swab it out.

  3. I can feel you racing against time. Today we had a visit from Summer, so I guess the warmth that you are missing is definitely drifting our way. Hope you are protect the tomatoes for a bit longer yet.

  4. Your “voice” is returning to normal in this post and that’s wonderful to hear, Celi. Thanks to The Lake, our overnight low temps aren’t as cold as yours but we’re getting there. We’ll be flirting with frost most nights next week. The Lake can only do so much. Like how your re-purposed the ark and hope it works for you. If it will extend your tomato harvest for just a few weeks, it will be worthwhile. As you very well know, once our vines quit, it will be a long time before we’ll enjoy flavorful tomatoes again. Have a great night and morning, Celi!

    • I know, i am still stuffing them in my mouth when I am gardening and really appreciating that warm juiciness.. it seemed such a short season, I know it wasn’t but gosh this summer flew past.

  5. so happy little marmalade is doing well!
    and that patient boo….so wonderful….

    for some reason, we are getting the weather everyone “outside” should have, and “outside” has the cold snap.

    loving those juicy tomatoes. i never NEVER have tomato luck.

  6. Boo sure takes good care of Marmalade. That has to be one of the best animal stories ever. Pania and Tui are looking pretty as ever. Hope you didn’t melt in all that rain!

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