The Tiny House – First Drawings

The Kiwi Builder and I have been spending a lot of time arranging and rearranging walls and condensing, decanting and extending ideas.

The pea hens watch us at work from the verandah. 

In fact yesterday the doors were left wide open, because it was another  beautiful  day and Pania and Kupa, being the opportunist peafowl that they are, just walked inside, through the kitchen and up to the table to inspect the drawings themselves.  The matriarch is still calling it the Chicken Coupe and, as you can read, I have changed the spelling of the Chicken Coop to ‘Coupe.’  For my own amusement of course. And hopefully to discourage any birds from thinking it is THEIR new house.

I have taken these little preliminary images from the computer screen.  Next time I shall consult with my IT team and come up with better versions for you.

I am especially thrilled with the rooflines. The little box on the side will join to the house and have a bathroom in it with a glass corridor as an inside entrance to the Coupe. 


This View (from the West ) shows you the Verandah on the left (North side) that will run around in an L shape and join the existing  porch on the front of our house. Giving another entrance. The raised area you see will be a screened porch, and french doors into the Tiny House. This will extend the living areas.

This next view is from the South side.  The ridge at the top of the roofline is designed to let in winter sun, there will be windows across that top eave, and the eave will shade the summer sun.  My builder has read of a man in Chicago who has designed a little house that is entirely warmed and cooled through its design, using the environment (and a lot of mathematics) not electricity,  and we are aiming at a similar concept, though the floor will be heated for really cold periods. 

Next we will draw in the windows and doors. As usual I have too many doors. I hope this is not too confusing the next drawings will be even more exciting. Plus we will have the final floor plan soon.

The cladding on the Coupe will be vertical white wooden barn timbers, which will sit well with the house which has horizontal cladding and match the out buildings which have the vertical.  The windows  and doors will all be trimmed in recycled barn timbers. I have found an old wooden floor stored in someone’s shed. I do look forward to showing you the pictures of the Coupe with its doors and tall church style windows.

On the grass you can see a screen from one of the top windows; it was blown down in the big winds the other day. It is on it’s way to the rat house where I store things I might have a use for but don’t yet know what that use may be. 

Good morning. It got even warmer than this yesterday.  And I believe we still have a few more days of glorious weather. Do you think it might last until the Third of December, when you and I fly out to California on the first stage of our International Wanderings?

The Writing has reached  and surpassed the goal of 50, 000 words. Nanowrimo was an excellent challenge. (I am ready to  hand in my manuscript for counting on the first date – 25th of November). I know now that I can create the draft for a book in 18 days. And that knowledge is very powerful.  I am starting at the beginning again now, going through to make it more coherent, adding all the new passages here and there. So far it is very one dimensional and way too linear. Then I will print it and chop it up into chapters, using good old fashioned scissors and pen and sticky tape. Then back to the computer screen to begin the real work of editing, extending  and magicking.

I am working on an excerpt for you. Just a tiny taste for your perusal.

I hope you all have a lovely day.



51 responses to “The Tiny House – First Drawings”

  1. This birth of a book – how exhilarating. It is as if you have climbed Everest – for this has been an enormous challenge and you are totally on your own expedition here. The Coup is sounding wonderful. So important that you are keeping to the vernacular of the farm… something many builders and architects could learn from you. as always – Virgiia

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