It is a calf’s life

A calf’s Tale. Look at that Calf’s Tail! Up in the air with delight.  Aunty Del had such a wonderful day out in the fields with her Daisy that at bed time she walked straight to her corner, snuggled down and went straight to sleep. I had to wake her for dinner.


Aunty Del.



Daisy was very annoyed when I put Aunty Del to bed. But it was milking time.calfs-and-cows-042

Here is Daisy’s calf. He is so big now I dare not be in the same field as him. Bottle fed calves are very pushy.   Though of course he has his milk from a bucket now. He hangs his head over the fence to drink it. Here he is answering the dinner bell.calfs-and-cows-028


The baby Layer flock are growing beautifully. Their flat pack hen house has been shipped. The man said all I needed was a drill to put it together. He did not understand my laughter. We all know that the only hammer I use is a mini sledge hammer because that gives me a better chance of hitting the actual nail. I have yet to master The Drill.  We will see.


Sheila sleeping in her jungle. They say that pigs root up the fields but it is my experience that once they have rooted up a wallow area, they will actually graze the rest of the field.  And Poppy and Sheila eat a lot of grass and legumes. It is only when the greens get stalky or low that they will turn to digging into the ground for the roots.  Usually late summer. So far so good. calfs-and-cows-011 calfs-and-cows-008

The meat chickens are drinking their fair share of Daisy’s milk now. They are still in the big stock trailer, it is lovely and cool lately and once I  (I?) build the new chicken coop, their chicken tractor will be ready for them to move onto the grass. We are playing musical coops.

I went across to shut their trailer door and found that the two peacocks Godot and Carlos Garcia had flown in the open top section of the door and were INSIDE the stock trailer terrifying the chickens, eating all their food. Hmm. It was a mission to get them out and not lose any chicks.  They are not called Pea Brains for nothing! We managed but I am going to have to rethink the door situation.

The barn chick and his new little friend are doing well in their special house. The tiny rare chick (the black one with the white dot on her head) actually sleeps under the wing of her larger cousin. She is going to be a beautiful bird.

Hopefully we get some sun today. Though rain is always welcome, just not at hay making time.

I hope you all have a lovely day.

Your friend on the farm




35 responses to “It is a calf’s life”

  1. Sheila could be any anyone of creature – once you’re in the right place and allowed to dig up what you need and wallow at will, then it all works just fine.
    Nothing like a charging calf!
    Glad everything is running well

  2. Aunty Del does have a spirited look with that tail flying. Cute that she wore herself out that day. Sheila looks like she’s having a day at the spa, lazing in the tall grass. Pampered piggie.

  3. They are all growing so fast! Seeing Aunty Del reminded me of calf judging in Taranaki, and how I led my (borrowed) calf around the field after brushing it down on many visits.

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