Boxing Day

Though Poppy did get some Christmas left overs her manners leave a lot to be desired.  This is her latest trick. To rear up and plant her feet straight on top of the gate or fence snorting and shrieking and drooling. Not a pretty look HopandPop Poppy.


She does not stand like that for long so the picture is hard to get but any minute now this pig will be climbing right over the hog panels.  She is going to be bred in January when I come home from New Zealand, and when she farrows I am going to put her in a very quiet corner with three days worth of food and not go anywhere near her. This is one excitable pig. christmas-day-004

In the day time the kittens and their Marmalade mother sleep in one of the water barrels that sit on the verandah all winter, lined with wool and cushions these barrels are favourite sleeping possies.

Here is that same image cropped again. christmas-day-004

Isn’t that such a COZY image.  Wearing ones mothers tail as a scarf.


The sun came out for a few hours yesterday and the wee glassroom positively glowed. There is kale and lettuce planted. Cilantro and onions. Every time I cut a spring onion I take the end with its trimmed roots and pop it into the soil in the glasshouse, they grow again without fail. You can do it in a pot on your windowsill if you like. There are even radishes growing in there.


Because it has been warm enough for mud but not warm enough for real grass growth there is a lot of mud developing in the KuneKune field. So tomorrow I am going to throw down lots of grass and wild flower seed, the pigs will push it into the ground for me and in the spring we will get some interesting germination.

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas Day. Today is Boxing Day. We would Box up all the left overs and send them home with the servants, except there are no servants and no left overs either for that matter. But the thought was there.

I hope you all have a lovely day!

your friend on the farmy


28 responses to “Boxing Day”

  1. I do the same thing with my spring onions, and have also taken to planting a seed for each onion/carrot etc I use, they seem to grow all year round here, but a glass house or room would be wonderful. Can’t wait for the wildflower display in the spring I expect that the colour will be very heartwarming after months of sunless winter.

  2. What a great and simple idea about ‘recycling’ onions. And thank you for explaining Boxing Day. AND a big thank you for the darling pics of Marmalade and her babies. It is like a balm to my soul to see kitty pics, watch their development and read about their lives. So touching. As I write my dear old friend, an American Shorthair black and grey tabby, Jack, is standing in my lap pondering. Just staring off into space thinking about who knows what. I don’t even care because his company and affection are so treasured. Thank you again for sharing life on the farmy and your varied travels.

  3. Christmas well and truly ‘over’ here . . . hope yours has left a warm afterglow!! Now, Miss C, instructions please as am most interested in the ‘recycled onion’ business. Live on them and always have ‘roots’ to spare. How long a piece do you put in the pot and do you initially totally cover it with soil or leave the top 1/2 cm bare? We have four months of warm weather ahead and lots of empty pots: would love to try!! Boxing Day: OMG somehow did not realize everyone did not ‘celebrate’ even if at the ‘Boxing Day Sales’ – I did well: broke tho’ I was managed some 13-14 cheap as chips wonderful biographies for $46 including freight!! Can’t wait 🙂 !

  4. It’s the thoughts that count! Today, 27th, I’m going to box up the outdoor lights before the storms move in for several days – early, I know. There’s still wreath, and lights around the window inside over the door….there’s something about having clutter all up before New Year starts…probably comes from a tired mother who worked.
    I love those little green onions – they do grow well. (But not out dormant grass in the backyard – Molly and the German churned and plowed it up really well…could plant onions, but they simply delight in eating the tender greens)
    Cute barrel of cats!

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