A Flood of delightful back porch views!

I am so excited at the response to the back porch challenge. Here are the highlights from yesterday and there are more coming in! So we will have another post of back porch views tomorrow too. This is fantastic!

Charlotte on the other hand is practicing keeping her head in the sand I mean muddy waters. Trying not to notice that June is coming!dunkin-piggie-001

Nancy wakes up to this! How glorious.


Garybuie in Scotland.  This sits on the North side of her house and Christine says it is freezing outside her back door.


Marie has a barn swallow building a nest above her back door in her Little Corner of Rhode Island. I am sure this will keep her little people engaged for some time. Maybe  an inspection ladder is in order?


Mamapurl (US)  lives in the country sometimes and other times she is in her Tower. This (above)  is what she sees out her windows!

Misky  (UK)  is doing renovations in her garden soon but for the moment it looks like a wee oasis of calm from her back porch.


Mike and Missy who live right out in the country with a whole horde of beautiful children look across this scene with their morning cuppa.


Our darling Jean who farms with her punky Kiwi husband and lives in France raising grass fed beef has no porch but looks out the window.  Her page today is full of the most divine views, including this one:


Look at all that grass.

Cat lives in Tel Aviv in Israel and though she longs to have a little farm one day for the moment her back door is this  beautiful 8780509815_c187447f39_bfertile little balcony.

And nuts for treasure looks out the back door and sees an enormous wild turkey staring back at her, every morning.  Every Morning! Can you imagine.


Barb from Passionate about Pets looks out onto her neighbours farm.



Viv who also lives in France has many glorious views, this is my favourite one.


And now I must away to do some work, then later I shall collect some more of your views.  What a great day it will be!


But before I go here is what our darling Eha from Australia sees.


I must stop now and get out for the milking.

You all have a wonderful lovely day and now I can see what you see I can think on those views as I work.

You can still send yours, it is never too late!  We are developing an awesome collection.

Love your friend, celi.

63 responses to “A Flood of delightful back porch views!”

  1. Poor Charlotte. I’ve had days I felt like doing that, though not in a long while. I’ll get you a picture in the morning!

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