Finding Godot

We went to the Bantam Swap yesterday to find Godot. After losing our beautiful peacock in the winter, the girls were left without a mate. The Bantam Swap is kind of like a flea market for animals.  People pay 5 dollars or something for a parking space and they rock up with trailers and trucks, are all set up by 5am and  sell sheep and goats and cows and piles of chickens and even fertile eggs,  and ducks and dogs and pigs and etc. I even saw a donkey. We walked up and down every row, cold in the late dawn, our arms folded against the chill, inspecting every cage and every trailer and it was not until right at the end of the last row, after I had quite given up on finding Godot who  Pania and Tui had been waiting for, when I bent down to look in a big dog crate and said, There, there you are.  He looked at me and waited. I will show you Godot in a minute but first I will show you what I did not buy. Or at least have not bought yet.



I wanted this alpaca very badly, but there you are. I can’t have everything.


And here is my surprise. I was surprised too, mind you. Here is Godot. Up in the peacock palace already. Godot is  a white peacock. Just imagine how beautiful he will be when he roams free. swap-058I could not believe my eyes when I saw him.  The man who sold him to me was knowledgeable and kind and gave me some good tips.  Isn’t he gorgeous.

And here is Carlos Garcia. (Well he was such a nice healthy bird how could I leave him behind.)


What is exciting about these birds is that they are very young, born last June, so we can watch them develop their mature feathers. Carlos Garcia will change dramatically over the summer. They will not be fertile this year though, so no chicks yet.  Already Pania and Tui have gone into the Peacock Palace with them, (It runs the whole length of the barn up in the loft.) So it is safe to start planting in the gardens now.

The plonkers came yesterday too. Two to fatten up on milk and eggs and oats.

The corners of the little  farm are filling up as we start the race again. The race to get enough food in the larder for the winter.


I hope you have a lovely day.

Your friend on the farm


95 responses to “Finding Godot”

  1. Oh how beautiful that white peacock is! You really scored! It looks like he’s right at home too, but then again, who wouldn’t be? Your blog looks gorgeous on the computer (I usually see it on my phone), I love the image at the top, just gorgeous. Hope you have a lovely evening.

  2. What a joyful post! And the farmy is going all classical, is it not!! A good chance for us to do some homework 🙂 ! Your new additions are just wonderful . . . may they all be happy one with the other! BUT, having a small alpaca farm just a few hundred meters down the road – oh I DO wish the alpaca had been able to follow you home! I oft just stand leaning on the fence watching these beautiful beautiful animals!! Am laughing about how Carlos Garcia got his name ~ when I moved in here many moons ago I began getting peculiar phone calls always from the male gender asking for ladies with exotic names 🙂 ! Well, it seems my phone number was one digit removed from a ‘cathouse’ and written on some pub toilet wall!!!!!!! Long over, but a very good excuse to pull the plug on my landline ‘ven I vant to be alone’!!!! [Greta Garbo for the younger ones 🙂 !]

  3. Coupla handsome guys joining your flock! I can’t blame you for any inclinations to include each and every other great creature you meet in the farmy. I would be tempted to have about ten of Everything if I possibly could figure out how to do it!!

  4. How exciting. The farm is becoming quite populated suddenly. Will the white peacock have a colourful tail?

  5. When I saw that white tail, I had a feeling you’d found a white peacock! I do hope the two males aren’t competitive when they become of age. Alpacas are adorable to look at, don’t know much else about them; and a donkey would be nice, too.

  6. […] Matriarchs jeep and went to the Bantam Swap. Do you remember last years Bantam Swap we brought home Godot and Carlos Garcia and the year before we brought home BooBoo and the year before that it was The Duke of […]

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