The face of Boo

This is the face I get when it is time to go out and feed everyone.  This is Boo’s are-you-coming-now? Look.


Yesterday it was so cold and blowing hard out here.  Wind is often hard to take a photo of in the winter  but the chickens are helping out – showing their petticoats.

chickens in wind

Geraldine at her post waiting for her dinner.


My lovely herd – still grazing in December. What a bonus for their health.


Tane is still looking for treasures (dropped corn)  in the field and finding them too.


I hope you have a lovely day!

Love c


39 responses to “The face of Boo”

  1. Oh that Boo! Like someone else said, you can see his muscles tense just ready to GO! I love your description of the chickens’ petticoats. Perfect word.

  2. Love your petticoats… Wonderful. And Boo – he’s such a good fellow and co-worker. So sweet how you made today’s presentation of everyone… Your pictures give me some peace.

  3. Boo is such a wonderful dog! We have terrific winds here ( terrific meaning high blustry and extreme winds of up to 60 mph)……Have a warm cozy evening!

  4. Hot greetings from the Highlands: methinks I would rather have a peremptory looking Boo, the cold and the wind than today’s 40+ C temperatures and high winds here accompanied by the first ‘severe’ bushfire warning for the Season . . . it is great that the cows can still be outside to find food . . . even that extra bit of Vitamin D 🙂 !

  5. You can just see that eager anticipation on his face! And those fluffy ruffle chickens! Hah! Does Ton wait for you with as much enthusiasm as Boo?

  6. One knows the wind is blowing when feathers get ruffled! It does seem odd for the farmy to not be covered in snow this time of year.

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