Mr Flowers glowers down from his perch in the barn. maybe-earlier-038

His tail is coming in fast now, long and luxurious. Being a cross between a white peacock and the blue peacock he has a few random white feathers in his plumage.


Motion makes these feathers hard to focus on in the dimness of the barn.  He hefts his tail and twists to look at me suspiciously, his tail an obedient swish of curtain.

We were ready for the snow to begin then once the snow plow was in place the weather forecaster took the majority of the snow out of the forecast.


Then put a little back in. Only a dusting really.  In the night. Maybe an inch. Just a nuisance really.  This is an unsettled pattern. The forcasters cannot make up their minds when and how much will come so i am bettering on a a couple of dustings.


I hope tomorrows snow gets taken out. I am off to give blood tomorrow.  Giving blood is my charity.

Those of you who remember the old codger will be sad to hear that we buried him yesterday. He had lived for almost a century and kept up with every change. He had been living in California with his daughter this last year. He and Ton were the best of friends –  thick as thieves those two.  Though I lost touch with him towards the end I will remember our visits fondly. He was a real character and will be missed. He lived a very full and very long life, bless him.

One thing he said to me often “Why do you milk those cows, don’t you know you can buy milk at the supermarket?”

I will be milking early this morning. I think we are already at our high for the day and the sun is only just seeping into the thick cloud cover we will work below for the next week or so.

I hope you have a lovely day.

Love celi


Sunday 02/04 20% / 0 in
Cloudy. Gusty winds this morning. A few flurries or snow showers possible. Morning high of 30F with temps falling to near 15. Winds NNW at 20 to 30 mph.

Sunday Night 02/04 0% / 0 in
A clear sky. Low 7F. Winds WNW at 10 to 20 mph.

7:00 am 5:13 pm

Waning Gibbous, 80% visible 10:10 pm 9:36 am


58 responses to “MOTION”

  1. Mr. Flowers is certainly the king dude! Now that the Old Codger has gone to Heaven, does that make me the Old Curmudgeon who’s birthday is on Christmas Day, move up a notch? LOL. All the critters on the Farmy look in excellent shape. It’s been a horrible Winter so far, but seems like you are doing just fine. PS. I love the old cars that “Our John” has tucked away. You see, I am a car nut too, Old cars are gold, even if you only look at them once a year or so. I guess it’s a guy thing, my wife doesn’t understand me either. She thinks I am a hoarder, and I may be, but a happy Curmudgeon hoarder. Stay warm.

  2. Condolences for the passing of the Old Codger. I remember your stories about him fondly. It’s good that he spent his last days being cared for by family but came home to lay to rest beside his wife. That we should all live as long as well as we can.

  3. I must have started reading your blog just after the Old Codger had his fall. I went back to read about when he came home and the photos you took were so beautiful. A triumphant man and his adoring dog. Kind thoughts for you all. xx

  4. I, too, went back to read your blog about when the ‘Old Codger’ returned home – it must have been wonderful for him and you all. It’s obvious that Ton Ton was happy. Such a greeting! Everyone needs that kind of adoring love in their lives! Thank you for today’s blog!

  5. My condolences on your loss. I always loved to talk to the old folks, they were incredible libraries which too often were ignored simply because they were old. I learned many things listening to the stories and experiences of the senior members of my family.
    Tane looks very pleased with himself and Mr. Flowers certainly is growing a splendid tail.
    We’ve got about 3 inches of snow down and more to come – which will make the driveway impassable. It’s a pain living on a hill.

      • Not quite impassable but more snow forecast. Once we’ve got ice, we’re stuck. It’s just as bad in front with the ice glacier that forms from the running water – wherever that comes from – and there is some that appears in the back of the building as well. No one seems to be able to figure out where the water comes from or a way to stop it. I suspect it’s a natural spring which ends up finding it’s way around the buildings on the hill.

  6. Remember the Old Codger sitting so handsomely at your dining table . . . may the Boatman who sooner or later comes for all of us have taken him to a peaceful and happy rest. Those in the Lounge today have built a beautiful monument well deserved to remember a lovely gentleman . . .

  7. I must have joined after your Old Codger stories, so I’ll have to go back and have a look. From all of the comments, he sounds like he was quite a character, and much loved. Losing folks in winter is always harder for me somehow. I love the photo of Tane.

  8. I’m very sorry to hear about the Old Codger. He would have seen so many things in his lifetime. My dad, born in 1903, lived till 2000 – can you just imagine the changes in the world that he saw? When he was a child in London, England, there was still gas lighting – when he was an old man there was solar powered lighting. And all the things in between – cars, telephones, computers, men on the moon. I don’t think there will ever be a generation again that sees that much change in one lifetime.

    I tried to learn as much as I could from him before he was gone. I still miss him every day.

    Chris S in Canada

  9. Like others, I’d wondered where the Old Codger had gone. I hadn’t asked because I know you are circumspect on purpose, more often than not. Well, back to the earth, old man, we all enjoyed the sliver of life and colorful stores you shared with us through Miss C. ❤

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